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Humanidad. med ; 24(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550269


El artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar las potencialidades formativas de la narratividad como criterio y práctica para la educación ético - profesional del estudiante universitario. Entre los resultados se destacó la propuesta de valores formativos transdisciplinares desde la narratividad y de acciones prácticas con una perspectiva transdisciplinar que permite pasar de los presupuestos de la narración a la narratividad como eje transdiscursivo en la formación ético-profesional de las diversas carreras.

The article aims to characterize the formative potential of narrativity as a criterion and practice for the ethical-professional education of the university student. Among the results, the proposal of transdisciplinary training values ​​from narrativity and practical actions with a transdisciplinary perspective that allows moving from the assumptions of narration to narrativity as a transdiscursive axis in the ethical-professional training of the various careers stood out.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 118-124, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005241


Organ transplantation has demonstrated its significant values by its excellent effectiveness in health reconstruction and life survival, where organ donation is a major component in promoting the development of organ transplantation in China. In recent years, an important progress has been made in organ transplantation in China with an annually increased organ donation rate. In spite of this, there is a serious fact confronted by us that the donated organ quantity is insufficient, which may be solved by further improvement of medical science and public health policy. According to the international experience, an incentive system may improve the organ donation rate effectively although the hidden ethic property of the incentive system itself may have an essentially conflict with the altruism contained in the organ donation. Therefore, in this article, the property of the incentive system, the interaction between organ donation and incentive system and the ethic justification of the system was reviewed, aiming to provide a reference for the further development of the organ donation and transplantation business in China.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533383


El sector eléctrico colombiano ha impulsado políticas organizacionales fundamentadas en la inclusión y el bienestar de la sociedad en general, que pretenden trasladarse al teletrabajo a través de un estilo de liderazgo ético. Sin embargo, el egoísmo -que se caracteriza por maximizar el interés propio como base de razonamiento moral-, es un factor subyacente que puede deteriorar cualquier iniciativa que busque un equilibrio institucional justo e íntegro, mediante un clima ético donde las decisiones descuiden las necesidades colectivas. Por consiguiente, el objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la relación entre un clima laboral egoísta y el teletrabajo, a través del rol moderador de liderazgo ético. El estudio aplicó un diseño cuantitativo, transversal y correlacional explicativo. La muestra fue de 448 empleados evaluados por una encuesta en línea. Se encontró que el clima ético egoísta (X) y el liderazgo ético (W) se asocian significativamente con el teletrabajo (Y). Sin embargo, cuando el liderazgo ético regula la relación entre las variables independiente y dependiente (6X - Y/W), se hace visible que a mayor percepción de una dirección ética más débil se torna el efecto del clima egoísta sobre el teletrabajo hasta desaparecer. En conclusión, el sector eléctrico colombiano, por su enfoque en la responsabilidad social y erradicación de conductas deshonestas mediante un liderazgo ético, no es compatible con un clima laboral egoísta. De hecho, el impulsar una cultura de trabajo, a través del interés propio, neutraliza todo el esfuerzo ético propuesto por el sector eléctrico colombiano en los últimos siete años, puesto que su finalidad ha sido propender por iniciativas sociales e inclusivas.

The Colombian electricity sector promotes organizational policies based on the inclusion and well-being of society in general, which also intend to transfer to teleworking through an ethical leadership style. However, the selfishness that is characterized by maximizing self-interest as the basis of moral reasoning is an underlying factor that can deteriorate any initiative that seeks a fair and comprehensive institutional balance through an ethical climate where decisions neglect collective needs. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the relationship between a selfish climate and teleworking through the moderating role of ethical leadership. The study applies a quantitative, cross-sectional, explanatory correlational design. The sample is 448 employees who are evaluated with an online survey. The selfish ethical climate (X) and ethical leadership (W) are significantly associated with telecommuting (Y). However, when ethical leadership regulates the relationship between the independent and dependent variables (6X - Y/W) it becomes visible that the greater the perception of a weaker ethical leadership, the effect of the selfish climate on telework becomes until it disappears. The Colombian electricity sector, due to its focus on social responsibility and on eradicating dishonest conduct through ethical leadership, is not compatible with a selfish climate. In fact, promoting only individual interests in virtual work environments would nullify all the ethical effort proposed by the sector in question in the last seven years. Since its purpose has been to promote social and inclusive initiatives.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 80(6): 323-330, Nov.-Dec. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527959


Abstract Infectious diseases socially imply individual and community medical problems. Therefore, they require actions aimed at social processes that affect the well-being of the individuals without losing sight of social groups. Faced with this panorama, we ask ourselves: is there a direct relationship between ethics and infectious diseases? To elucidate an answer, let us remember the peak period of the COVID-19 pandemic when guidelines based on ethical principles were issued to facilitate medical decisions on allocating scarce resources in periods of maximum demand. In those moments, since there was no inclusive component of society, the decisions made produced massive criticism. The reactions demonstrated the need to analyze in detail the criteria that had been considered correct. Consequently, we affirm that bioethical principles are transcendental in medical decisions and must be examined, not only for the individual but also with a view to public health. Moreover, the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic has lived with us for decades, and it continues to show its tragic face in the form of new cases, chronic illnesses, and deaths. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS brings us closer to a complex reality where the fight against disease and global health are interrelated with other problems, such as the need to reduce inequality, for which human rights, gender equality, social protection, and the development of research projects, where the ethics committees in research in community processes are constituents.

Resumen Las enfermedades infecciosas implican problemas médicos individuales y comunitarios, por lo que requieren acciones dirigidas a procesos sociales que incidan en el bienestar de los individuos, sin perder de vista a los grupos sociales. Nos preguntamos: ¿existe relación directa entre la ética y las enfermedades infecciosas? Para dilucidar una respuesta, recordemos el periodo más álgido de la pandemia por COVID-19, cuando se emitieron guías fundamentadas en principios éticos para facilitar las decisiones médicas en la asignación de recursos escasos en periodos de máxima demanda. Al no haber un componente inclusivo con la sociedad, las decisiones que se tomaron produjeron críticas masivas, que demostraron la necesidad de analizar a detalle los criterios que se habían considerado correctos. En consecuencia, afirmamos que los principios bioéticos son trascendentales en las decisiones médicas y deben ser examinados, no solo frente al individuo, sino de cara a la salud pública (bien común e individualidad). Por otra parte, la epidemia del SIDA (síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida) convive con nosotros desde hace décadas. ONUSIDA (Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA) nos acerca una realidad compleja, como es que la lucha contra la enfermedad y por la salud global se interrelaciona con otros problemas como la necesidad de reducer la desigualdad, por los derechos humanos, la igualdad de género, la protección social y el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación, donde los comités de Ética en investigación en procesos comunitarios son constituyentes.

Acta bioeth ; 29(2)oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519847


Biometric technology has transformed human biological characteristics into a new form of privacy, and the misuse of this technology poses challenges to protecting this new privacy. This article initially defines biometric technology and biometric characteristics, further demonstrating why biometric characteristics belong to personal privacy and how biometric technology poses challenges to its protection. Through analysis, this article argues that the essence of these challenges is the conflicts between the ethical principle of privacy protection and the ethical principle of maximizing social benefits. In order to address these challenges, it is necessary first to weigh the fundamental ethical principles. The two basic principles of privacy protection and maximizing social benefits are not mutual antagonism but hierarchy, and this hierarchy should be based on the principle of practical feasibility. That is, applying biometric technology should first meet the principle of practical feasibility and, on this premise, realize the principle of maximizing social benefits based on not infringing on the principle of privacy protection.

La tecnología biométrica ha transformado las características biológicas humanas en una nueva forma de privacidad, y el uso indebido de esta tecnología plantea desafíos a su protección. En este artículo se define inicialmente la tecnología biométrica y las características biométricas; se demuestra además por qué las características biométricas pertenecen a la privacidad personal y cómo la tecnología biométrica plantea retos para su protección. Este artículo argumenta que la esencia de estos retos es el conflicto entre el principio ético de protección de la privacidad y el de maximización de los beneficios sociales. Para abordar estos retos es necesario sopesar primero los principios éticos fundamentales. Los dos principios básicos de protección de la privacidad y maximización de los beneficios sociales no son antagónicos, sino jerárquicos, y esta jerarquía debe basarse en el principio de viabilidad práctica. Es decir, la aplicación de la tecnología biométrica debe cumplir primero el principio de viabilidad práctica y, a partir de esta premisa, realizar el principio de maximización de los beneficios sociales sobre la base de no infringir el principio de protección de la intimidad.

A tecnologia biométrica transformou as características biológicas humanas em uma nova forma de privacidade, e o mal uso dessa tecnologia apresenta desafios para proteger essa nova privacidade. Esse artigo inicialmente define tecnologia biométrica e características biométricas, demonstrando posteriormente por que características biométricas pertencem à privacidade pessoal e como tecnologia biométrica coloca desafios à sua proteção. Através de análise, esse artigo discute que a essência desses desafios é o conflito entre o princípio ético da proteção da privacidade e o princípio ético de maximizar benefícios sociais. De forma a visar esses desafios é necessário primeiro ponderar os princípios éticos fundamentais. Os dois princípios básicos de proteção da privacidade e de maximizar benefícios sociais não são mutuamente antagônicos mas hierárquicos, e essa hierarquia deve ser baseada no princípio da viabilidade prática. Isso é, aplicar tecnologia biométrica deve primeiro atender ao princípio da viabilidade prática e, nessa premissa, compreender o princípio de maximizar benefícios sociais com base em não infringir o princípio de proteção da privacidade.

Salud ment ; 46(5): 251-259, Sep.-Oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522925


Abstract Objective To reflect on ethical and social issues related to research on the genetics of mental health. Method A narrative review was undertaken of 87 articles found in three databases: Medline, Scopus, and Scielo. Keywords were defined broadly to capture as many relevant publications as possible. Data were summarized by topic. Results The following topics were identified regarding the application of genetic and genomic tools to mental health disorders: problems with diagnosis, proper informed consent procedures, protecting confidential data, providing participants with research results, risk-benefit balance, equity and access, commercialization of genotyping, and prenatal testing. Discussion and Conclusion Although a promising field, there is still much research needed on genetic approaches to mental health to achieve clinical relevance and predictive value, and more so in developing countries where there is little available data. Cost-benefit studies thus do not recommend genetic diagnoses in underdeveloped settings. Instead, local approaches should be enhanced. One limitation of research on the genetics of mental health is that it seeks biological causes for mental illnesses. However, the etiology of most mental health disorders is multifactorial, limiting the predictive value of genetic tests. Still, understanding the genetic origins of the biological pathways that lead to mental illness is important to diagnosis and therapy. Other problems discussed are enhancement of the informed consent process and counseling, protection of the right to know and not to know, and how the geneticization of disease is related to stigma.

Resumen Objetivo Este artículo reflexiona sobre temas éticos y sociales de investigación genética en salud mental. Método Se realizó revisión narrativa mediante búsqueda en bases de datos: Medline, Scopus and Scielo (se revisaron 87 artículos). Las palabras claves se definieron con amplitud para mayor número de publicaciones relevantes. Los datos fueron resumidos de acuerdo con el tema. Resultados Se identificaron los siguientes temas en la aplicación de herramientas genéticas y genómicas en trastornos de salud mental: problemas de diagnóstico, procedimientos de consentimiento informado apropiados, protección de confidencialidad, información a participantes de resultados, balance de riesgos y beneficios, equidad y acceso, comercialización de genotipos y pruebas prenatales. Discusión y conclusión A pesar de promesas, todavía debe realizarse mucha investigación genética en salud mental para lograr relevancia clínica y valor predictivo, con mayor deficiencia en países en desarrollo. Los estudios de costo-beneficio no recomiendan realizar diagnóstico genético para enfermedades mentales cuando existen pocos datos. Se necesita mejorar soluciones locales para abordar la salud mental. Una limitación es que la genética busca causas biológicas, pero la etiología de muchos trastornos mentales es multifactorial, disminuyendo el valor predictivo de pruebas genéticas. Sin embargo, encontrar el origen genético de caminos biológicos que conducen a enfermedad mental es muy importante para diagnóstico y terapia. Otros problemas consisten en encontrar métodos para mejorar el proceso de consentimiento informado y asesoría genética, la discusión si se debe preservar el derecho a saber o el derecho a no saber y el cómo la genetización de la enfermedad mental se relaciona con estigma.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2023 Sep; 8(3): 195-202
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222709


Carrying out fieldwork in private infertility clinics poses its own specific set of challenges. Gaining access to these field sites not only obliges researchers to negotiate with gatekeepers but also to deal with structures of hierarchy and power. Based on my preliminary fieldwork in Lucknow city of Uttar Pradesh, I discuss the challenges of conducting fieldwork in infertility clinics and how methodological challenges push the researcher to question the academically established notions of the “field”, “fieldwork” and “research ethics”. The paper stresses the importance of discussing the challenges of doing fieldwork in private health setups and is an attempt to answer vital questions about the nature of fieldwork, how the fieldwork was conducted, and the need to include questions and dilemmas that anthropologists might face in the process of making decisions in the field.

Pers. bioet ; 27(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534996


Artículo de revisión que responde al objetivo de identificar las principales consideraciones éticas que los investigadores han de contemplar en el desarrollo de una investigación etnográfica institucional. Se realizó una revisión del estado del arte, analizando 298 tesis de posgrado. Tras la aplicación de criterios de inclusión, exclusión y eliminación de duplicados, quedaron 14 documentos, los que conformaron la muestra final. Las consideraciones éticas identificadas se estructuraron en tres grupos "planificación y aspectos metodológicos", "recolección de los datos" y "análisis, presentación de los resultados y manejo de los datos tras la finalización del estudio". Los resultados identificados se asocian a la esencia distintiva de la etnografía institucional como enfoque incipiente, pues uno de los aspectos que se aprenden en dicha etnografía es el sentido de observar cómo las personas organizan las cosas, lo que está directamente asociado a la forma de recolección de los datos desarrollada por el investigador. Conclusión: se identificaron 22 consideraciones, siendo la recolección de los datos la que presentó más elementos descritos; se revela la importancia del anonimato de los informantes, terceros involucrados y de la misma institución donde se desarrolla el estudio, pues fue la principal consideración ética distintiva del enfoque incipiente.

This review article aims to identify the primary ethical considerations researchers must have in conducting institutional ethnographic research. A state-of-the-art review was conducted, analyzing 298 theses/dissertations. After applying inclusion, exclusion, and duplicate elimination criteria, 14 documents formed the final sample. The ethical considerations identified were structured into three groups: "planning and methodological aspects," "data collection," and "analysis, result presentation, and data management after study completion." The results identified are associated with the distinctive essence of institutional ethnography as an incipient approach since one of the aspects learned in such ethnography is observing how people organize things, which is directly associated with the researcher's form of data collection. Twenty-two considerations were identified, with data collection having the most elements described. Moreover, the importance of the anonymity of informants, third parties involved, and the institution where the study is a distinguishing ethical consideration of the incipient approach.

Artigo de revisão que responde ao objetivo de identificar as principais considerações éticas que os pesquisadores devem ter no desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa etnográfica institucional. Foi efetuada uma revisão do estado da arte, a partir da qual foram analisadas 298 teses de pós-graduação. Após a aplicação de critérios de inclusão e exclusão e a eliminação de duplicados, restaram 14 documentos, que constituíram a amostra final. As considerações éticas identificadas foram estruturadas em três grupos: "planejamento e aspectos metodológicos", "coleta de dados" e "análise, apresentação dos resultados e tratamento dos dados após a conclusão do estudo". Os resultados identificados estão associados à essência distintiva da etnografia institucional enquanto abordagem incipiente, uma vez que um dos aspectos apreendidos nessa etnografia é o sentido de observar como as pessoas organizam as coisas, o que está diretamente associado à forma de coleta de dados desenvolvida pelo pesquisador. Conclusões: foram identificadas 22 considerações, sendo que a coleta de dados foi a que apresentou mais elementos descritos; destaca-se a importância do anonimato dos informantes, dos terceiros envolvidos e da mesma instituição onde se desenvolveu o estudo, pois foram as principais considerações éticas distintivas da abordagem incipiente.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 23(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536506


el gesto altruista del donante vivo y sano de riñón, relacionado genética o sentimentalmente, se basa en autodeterminación, voluntad y generosidad. La argumentación ética alrededor de la donación de riñón de donante vivo y sano se orienta con las éticas principialista y personalista, la dignidad humana, la corporalidad, la divisibilidad del cuerpo, el mal menor y el mal mayor. Hace parte del derecho a la información amplia y suficiente que recibe el donante sobre los riesgos y posibles complicaciones físicas y morales del procedimiento, por medio del comité de bioética y el grupo de trasplantes. Con base en la argumentación ética planteada se procedió a contestar la pregunta de esta investigación: ¿se debe dejar que una persona viva y sana sea sometida a una cirugía que le dejará mononéfrico de por vida, solo por el deseo de ayudar a otro, a pesar de que existen programas activos con donante cadavérico? El objetivo de este artículo es plantear una argumentación ética sobre la donación de riñón de donante vivo y sano que contribuya a una adecuada orientación de su decisión.

the altruistic gesture of the healthy living kidney donor, genetically or sentimentally related, is based on self-determination, willingness, and generosity. The ethical argumentation around living and healthy kidney donation is guided by principled and personalistic ethics, human dignity, corporeality, divisibility of the body, the lesser evil, and the greater evil. It is part of the right to ample and sufficient information that the donor receives about the procedure's risks and possible physical and moral complications through the bioethics committee and the transplant group. Based on the ethical argumentation raised, we proceeded to answer the question of this research: should a living and healthy person be subjected to a surgery that will leave him/her mononephric for life, just because of the desire to help another, even though there are active programs with a cadaveric donor? This article aims to provide an ethical argumentation on living and healthy donor kidney donation that will contribute to an adequate orientation of their decision.

o gesto altruísta do doador de rim vivo e saudável, relacionado genética ou sentimentalmente, está baseado na autodeterminação, vontade e generosidade. A argumentação ética ao redor da doação de rim de doador vivo e saudável é orientada pelas éticas principialista e personalista, pela dignidade humana, pela corporalidade, pela divisibilidade do corpo, pelo mal menor e pelo mal maior. Faz parte do direito à informação ampla e suficiente que o doador recebe sobre os riscos e possíveis complicações físicas e morais do procedimento, por meio do comitê de bioética e do grupo de transplantes. Com base na argumentação ética proposta, procedeu-se a contestar a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: deve-se deixar que uma pessoa viva e saudável seja submetida a uma cirurgia que a deixará mononéfrico para sempre, somente pelo desejo de ajudar o outro, apesar de existirem programas ativos com doador cadavérico? Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma argumentação ética sobre a doação de rim de doador vivo e saudável que contribua para uma adequada orientação de sua decisão.

Acta bioeth ; 29(1): 27-38, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439072


El presente artículo analiza, a partir de una revisión documental de planes y programas de curso de los doctorados en Educación activos en Chile, en qué medida y cómo los programas de formación de futuros investigadores en educación doctoral abordan el desafío de integrar la educación ética en su diseño curricular. Mediante un análisis temático de la documentación oficial de los programas se identificaron y analizaron diversos elementos relacionados con ética de la investigación e integridad académica abordados en la formación doctoral, su enfoque prevalente (normativo o de discernimiento ético), su orientación (propositiva o de prevención) y la profundidad con que son tratados esos aspectos. Los resultados muestran que solo un tercio de los actuales programas abordan de manera explícita la formación ética en investigación, y que, en estos casos, su abordaje tiende a subrayar aspectos más formales que de fondo, acotados fundamentalmente al cumplimiento del protocolo de consentimiento informado.

This article analyzes to what extent and how training programs for future researchers in doctoral education address the challenge of integrating ethical training in their curricular design. Based on a documentary review of course plans and postgraduate programs in education active in Chile, the explicit presence of ethical aspects and academic integrity in their training plans was examined. Through a thematic analysis of the official documentation of the programs, we identified and analyzed various elements related to research ethics and academic integrity addressed in doctoral training, their prevalent approach normative or ethical discernment, their orientation proactive or preventive and the depth with which these aspects are treated. The results show that only one-third of the current programs explicitly address ethical training in research and that in these cases, their approach tends to emphasize more formal than substantive aspects, mainly limited to compliance with the informed consent protocol.

O presente artigo analisa, a partir de uma revisão documental de planos e programas de curso dos doutorados em Educação ativos no Chile, em que medida e como os programas de formação de futuros investigadores em educação pós-graduada abordam o desafio de integrar a educação ética em seu plano curricular. Mediante uma análise temática da documentação oficial dos programas se identificaram e analisaram diversos elementos relacionados com ética da investigação e integridade acadêmica abordados na formação pós-graduada, seu enfoque prevalente (normativo ou de discernimento ético), sua orientação (propositiva ou de prevenção) e a profundidade com que são tratados esses aspectos. Os resultados mostram que só um terço dos atuais programas abordam de maneira explícita a formação ética em investigação, e que, nestes casos, sua abordagem tende a ressaltar aspectos mais formais que substanciais, limitados fundamentalmente ao cumprimento do protocolo de consentimento informado.

Humans , Teaching , Chile
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220222


Research forms an integral part of present world development and interest. It is the primary source of speculation and outcome-based decision making. Medical research work proves to be a big challenge in low- and middle-income countries due to the constraint of resources and capacity building. The disparities in the distribution of resources, inadequate policy implementation, and lack of prioritization of research make the research challenging. There has been an increase in medical research in India but it is not adequate when compared to other countries or areas. Medical researchers face multiple issues, mainly funding and ethical approval and are stunted by the unacceptance in high-indexed journals. In this paper, we have compiled the options for funding and ethical options and ways available for researchers in India. This will help and encourage researchers pro-actively by providing some guidance on the issues related to finance and ethics required for conducting scientific research.

Humanidad. med ; 23(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506380


En la formación ético-ambiental se requiere del desarrollo de acciones dirigidas a lograr una actitud consciente y valorativa, en función de una gestión sostenible de la vida en el planeta. El objetivo del trabajo es exponer los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación de una estrategia para la formación ético-ambiental del estudiante universitario, mediante un pre-experimento pedagógico. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemático-estadísticos, los cuales permitieron sistematizar la información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada, evaluar comportamientos y actitudes manifiestas por los estudiantes, así como los logros obtenidos después de aplicada la propuesta. El aporte fundamental de este artículo radica en valorar los resultados de la implementación de dicha estrategia en la práctica educativa, dentro de estos se destacan: el desarrollo de un comportamiento ético-reflexivo y una actitud para perfeccionar posiciones propias ante la multiplicidad de ámbitos de su actuación profesional, como parte de la implicación protagónica en la conservación del medio ambiente. El estudio se realizó en la carrera de Biología de la universidad de Camagüey en la etapa comprendida entre abril del 2018 y mayo de 2020.

Ethical-environmental training requires the development of actions aimed at achieving a conscious and evaluative attitude based on sustainable management of life on the planet. The objective of the work is to assess the effectiveness of the strategy for the ethical-environmental training of the university student, through a pedagogical pre-experiment. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were applied, which allowed systematizing the information from the bibliography consulted, evaluating behaviors and attitudes manifested by the students, as well as the results obtained after applying the proposal. The fundamental contribution of this article lies in assessing the results of the implementation of said strategy in educational practice, within these the following stand out: the development of an ethical-reflexive behavior and an attitude to perfect their own positions before the multiplicity of areas of their professional action, as part of the protagonist involvement in the conservation of the environment. The study was carried out in the career of Biology of the university of Camagüey in the stage understood between April of the 2018 and May of 2020.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441458


Objetivo: Evaluar si existen diferencias basadas en la edad en la aproximación diagnóstica y de tratamiento del cáncer de mama. Se analizan aspectos éticos, como justicia, beneficencia y autonomía, en relación a la toma de decisiones. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo cuantitativo y corresponde a un análisis retrospectivo de la base de datos del Centro de la Mama de Clínica Alemana de Santiago, en la que se analiza información de las mujeres de 70 años o más en relación a motivo consulta, estadio de la enfermedad al momento del diagnóstico y tratamientos recibidos y se la compara con la obtenida del grupo de mujeres menores de 70 años. Resultados: No hay diferencia en la oportunidad de la consulta, en el acceso al diagnóstico ni en el tipo de cirugía entre los dos grupos. Existen diferencias significativas en relación a la indicación de tratamientos adyuvantes como quimioterapia, radioterapia y hormonoterapia. El grupo de mujeres mayores de 70 años reciben menos terapias que las mujeres de menor edad. No existe información respecto a los motivos que expliquen esta diferencia. Discusión: Actualmente, mujeres mayores se encuentran en buenas condiciones generales, con una expectativa de vida mayor a 75 años. Es importante tratar sus enfermedades sin limitar a priori el acceso a protocolos de tratamiento, evitando la discriminación por edad. Conclusión: Se propone incorporar una evaluación geriátrica protocolizada con el objetivo de mejorar la atención de este grupo etario, preservando de esta manera los principios de justicia, beneficencia y autonomía en pacientes mayores.

Objective: To evalúate if there are differences on the diagnostic approach and breast cancer treatment based on women age. We analyze ethical aspects like justice, beneficence and autonomy in regards of decision making. Material and Method: Descriptiva and quantitative study that correspond and analysis of the Data Base of the Breast Cancer Center in Clínica Alemana de Santiago, in which we gather the information of women 70 years or more in relation to consultation motive, illness stage and treatments received, compare with the obtain in the group of women under 70 years. Results: There are no differences in the opportunity to reach consultation, access to diagnosis neither the type of surgery. There are significant differences in considering adjuvant treatment like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. The group of women with 70 years or older, receive less treatments than the younger group. There is no information that explains this differences. Discussion: In current days, women of the third and fourth age are in good general conditions and their life expectancy is over 75 years old. It is important to treat their diseases without limiting access to them only because of their age, avoiding this type of discrimination. Conclusion: it is proposed to incorporate a geriatric evaluation to improve quality of clinical attention in this age group, aiming to preserve justice, beneficence and autonomy principles in older patients.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 51(1): 50, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431765


Abstract Introduction: The Advanced Directives Document (ADD) is an efficient tool to plan for future medical care in case of a potential loss of autonomy. Ethical dilemmas arise in end-of-life care, including the principle of respect for autonomy and potential beneficence involved in health care, leading to moral distress of practitioners. Objective: To identify the ethical principles and dilemmas arising from the discourse of healthcare practitioners involved with end-of-life care based on the ADD. Methods: Qualitative study with a hermeneutics approach based on 253 answers to the following exploratory question: Are you willing to respect the ADD of an unconscious patient when you think that the patient may benefit otherwise? Results: Most practitioners acknowledge their respect for the ADD as an ethical obligation, whilst a minority consider it a legal right. For the large majority of practitioners, the ethical principles of respect for the ADD are recognized under the ethical theory of liberal individualism. Respect for autonomy is associated with the principle of non-maleficence and the value of human dignity. The principle of beneficence and the quality of life concept were presented as genuine moral dilemmas. A reversible clinical condition, the request for euthanasia, the family and the legibility of anticipated directives were submitted as apparent moral dilemmas. Conclusions. During the end-of-life decision making process, there are other valid ethical considerations beyond principlism. The dilemmas identified show the ethical complexity healthcare practitioners face based on the ADD.

Resumen Introducción: El Documento de Voluntades Anticipadas (DVA) es una herramienta eficaz para planificar la futura atención médica ante la posible pérdida de autonomía. En la atención al final de la vida surgen dilemas éticos; entre los cuáles se destacan el principio de respeto a la autonomía y la posible beneficencia que implica la atención en salud que conlleva angustia moral en los profesionales. Objetivo: Identificar los principios y dilemas éticos que emergen de los discursos de los profesionales de la salud familiarizados con la atención al final de la vida a partir del DVA. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque hermenéutico de 253 respuestas a la pregunta exploratoria: ¿Está usted dispuesto a respetar un DVA en paciente inconsciente cuando usted cree que el paciente se beneficiaría de lo contrario? Resultados: Los profesionales en su mayoría reconocen el respeto al DVA como obligación ética, para una minoría como un derecho legal. Para la mayoría, los principios éticos de respeto al DVA se reconocen bajo la teoría ética del individualismo liberal. El respeto al agente autónomo se correlaciona con el principio de no maleficencia y el valor de la dignidad humana. El principio de beneficencia y el concepto de calidad de vida fueron expuestos como auténticos dilemas morales. La condición clínica reversible, la solicitud de eutanasia, la familia y la legibilidad de las voluntades anticipadas fueron expuestos como aparentes dilemas morales. Conclusiones: En el proceso de toma de decisiones al final de la vida existen otras perspectivas éticas válidas más allá del principialismo. Los dilemas identificados muestran la complejidad ética a la que se enfrentan los profesionales de la salud a partir del DVA.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 648-652, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965499


OBJECTIVE To promote the standardization and integrity of the informed consent form for clinical trials of registered anti-tumor drugs, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the subjects. METHODS The ethical review resolutions of clinical trial projects of registered anti-tumor drugs that were initially reviewed by the Ethics Committee of our hospital from July 1st, 2020 to July 1st, 2022 were summarized to statistically analyze the problematic items according to the “Quality Analysis Form of Informed Consent” prepared by our hospital. RESULTS Of the 316 clinical trials of registered anti- tumor drugs that were initially reviewed, 257 (81.3%) had problems with the contents of informed consent form, mainly domestic multi-center trials and phase Ⅲ trials. The main problems included the vague notification of the test fee bearer (68.5%), the incomplete notification of the test content (59.1%), the insufficient notification of rights and interests and risks (58.4%), the insufficient notification of personal information protection (56.0%), and the nonstandard expression of the informed consent form (52.5%). CONCLUSIONS There is still a gap between the informed consent form of the clinical trials of registered anti-tumor drugs in our hospital and the requirements of the new version of Good Clinical Practice for Drugs (GCP). The parties involved in the test can take a number of measures to improve the standardization and integrity of the informed consent form, and the research team should design the informed consent form in strict accordance with the requirements of the new GCP and pay attention to the comprehensive notification about the test. The Ethics Committee can provide the sponsor and researcher with the template of informed consent form and the key points of writing, continue to strengthen the examination ability, improve the examination quality, and effectively protect the safety and interests of the subjects.

Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B ; (12): 1-13, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982397


Biotechnology policies and regulations must be revised and updated to reflect the most recent advances in plant-breeding technology. New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBT) such as gene editing have been applied to address the myriad of challenges in plant breeding, while the use of NPBT as emerging biotechnological tools raises legal and ethical concerns. This study aims to highlight how gene editing is operationalized in the existing literature and examine the critical issues of ethical and legal issues of gene editing for plant breeding. We carried out a systematic literature review (SLR) to provide the current states of ethical and legal discourses surrounding this topic. We also identified critical research priority areas and policy gaps that must be addressed when designing the future governance of gene editing in plant breeding.

Journal of Central South University(Medical Sciences) ; (12): 508-515, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982317


New drug clinical trials have been considered as a positive way for treating cancer by cancer patients and doctors, and the extended dosing is a special way for patients' withdrawal from antitumor clinical trials to obtain investigational new drugs. However, neither the regulations of expanded dosing nor the detail documents for expanded dosing have been officially published in China. At present, expanded dosing of investigational drugs is still at the exploratory stage in various medical institutions, and a complete management system has not been established to meet patients' urgent needs for drug use. Based on the practical experience of extended dosing in Hunan Cancer Hospital, this paper preliminarily explored the application procedures and ethical review requirements of extended dosing for subjects in antitumor clinical trials. It is necessary to clarify the responsibilities of all patients in the procedure and establish a patient-medical institution-sponsor joint application system. In the process of ethical review, it is recommended that all parties fully consider the risks and benefits of extended dosing for patients, and then the ethics committee makes a comprehensive assessment to decide whether to approve extended dosing.

Humans , China , Physicians , Antineoplastic Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 31: e3274PT, 2023. tab
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521656


Resumo As tecnologias da informação e comunicação têm influência cada vez maior na área da saúde, sendo o aumento significativo do recurso à teleconsulta um reflexo disso. Os benefícios que essa modalidade de prestação de serviços de saúde ocasiona são inquestionáveis, a começar pelo facto de auxiliarem a enfrentar os desafios contemporâneos que assolam os sistemas de saúde em todo o mundo. Todavia, a sua crescente utilização vem sublinhar a importância de salvaguardar questões éticas relacionadas com a autonomia, equidade, privacidade e qualidade da relação entre o utente e o profissional de saúde. Este artigo pretende estimular uma reflexão acerca dos desafios éticos que se colocam antes, durante e após o uso da teleconsulta, com o intuito de otimizar e modelar a sua utilização.

Abstract Information and communication Technologies are increasingly present in health care, as exemplified by the recourse to remote consultation. Such care delivery modality brings unquestionable benefits, such as helping to face the contemporary challenges plaguing health systems worldwide. But its ever-increasing use underlines the importance of safeguarding ethical issues related to autonomy, equity, privacy, and the quality of the user-professional relations. This paper reflects on the ethical challenges presented before, during, and after remote consultation as to optimize and shape its use.

Resumen Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación tienen una influencia cada vez mayor en el área de la salud, y esto lleva a un aumento significativo en el uso de la teleconsulta. Muchos son los beneficios de esta modalidad de prestación de servicios sanitarios, comenzando por el hecho de que ayudan a abordar los desafíos contemporáneos que afectan a los sistemas de salud en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, su uso creciente destaca la importancia de salvaguardar las cuestiones éticas relacionadas con la autonomía, la equidad, la privacidad y la calidad de la relación entre el paciente y el profesional de la salud. Este artículo pretende incitar a una reflexión sobre los desafíos éticos que surgen antes, durante y después del uso de la teleconsulta, con el fin de optimizarlo y modelarlo.

Ethics, Medical
Serv. soc. soc ; 146(2): e6628324, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522986


Resumo: O objetivo do artigo é contribuir para o trabalho de assistentes sociais com famílias mediado pelo projeto ético-­político. Partindo de problemáticas presentes no trabalho com famílias, buscamos analisá-las à luz dos fundamentos da profissão na contemporaneidade com vistas à construção de estratégias que possibilitem, com base nas três dimensões do trabalho profissional: teórico-metodológico, ético-política e técnico-operativa, um exercício profissional com famílias na perspectiva do PEP.

Abstract: The objective of the article is to contribute to the work of social workers with families mediated by the ethical-political project. Starting from problems present in work with families, we seek to analyze them in the light of the foundations of the profession in contemporary times, with a view to building strategies that enable, from the three dimensions of professional work: theoretical-methodological, ethical-political and technical-operative, a professional exercise with families from the perspective of the PEP.

Salud colect ; 19: e4467, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515552


RESUMEN El enriquecimiento de las propuestas bioéticas construidas desde y para Latinoamérica ha ido en aumento en las últimas décadas, a efecto de contribuir a ello es que nuestro objetivo es presentar una propuesta de interpretación bioética en clave filosófica a partir de la identificación de los conceptos centrales de la filósofa mexicana Juliana González Valenzuela. Se identificó un doble fundamento bio-ontológico: a) la "fenomenología dialéctica de la vida" que permite la síntesis entre el aspecto biológico y cultural del ser humano, así como la superación de sus contradicciones; y b) el Homo humanus que posibilita la existencia del ser bio-ético afirmado en tanto un ser auténtico y en tanto busca una vida buena (eu-bíos y eu-zoein). La reflexión y crítica de las implicaciones que el fundamento bio-ontológico apareja hipotéticamente al derecho y al poder, nos llevó a identificar las principales líneas argumentativas, pero principalmente se evidenció el vínculo necesario entre el ser bio-ético y dichas disciplinas, en virtud de su naturaleza social y comunitaria (zoon politikón, ζῷον πολῑτῐκόν).

ABSTRACT The enrichment of bioethical proposals built from and for Latin America has been increasing in recent decades. In order to contribute to this, our objective is to present a proposal for a bioethical interpretation from a philosophical approach based on the identification of central concepts of Mexican philosopher Juliana González Valenzuela. A dual bio-ontological foundation was identified: a) the "dialectic phenomenology of life," which allows the synthesis between the biological and cultural aspects of human beings, as well as the overcoming of its contradictions; and b) the Homo humanus, which enables the existence of the bio-ethical being affirmed as an authentic being and one who seeks a good life (eu-bios and eu-zoein). Reflection on and critique of the implications that the bio-ontological foundation hypothetically couples to law and power led us to identify main arguments. However, the necessary link between the bio-ethical being and said disciplines was evidenced by virtue of their social and communitarian nature (zoon politikón, ζῷον πολῑτῐκόν).